Tonkawa school board members, at a special meeting 1 p.m. Wednesday, July 22, approved the “Return to Learn” plan as presented by Superintendent Lori Simpson.
The IOOF Cemetery is in need of donations to continue operation of the cemetery, Garry Davis announced this week. Brent Bailey is caretaker. Donations can be sent to P.O. Box 121 with checks made to the Tonkawa Cemetery for upkeep.
A long-time goal of Tonkawa Public Schools has been to become a one-to-one district. This is achieved when every student enrolled has an electronic device checked out in his or her name. In this case, all TPS students will have their own chromebook and carrying case. The CARES Act Grant and the CARES Act Incentive Grant fund this project. Each student will sign a contract and pay a yearly technology fee of $25.00.