Stop me if you have heard this before. The Democratic Party is threatening our freedom and democracy. Its leaders care more about power than safety. By trying to remove Donald Trump from the election ballot they are killing the democratic process. They are using the criminal justice system as a tool against conservatives. In their legal precautions they claim no one is above the law except for themselves. They are using divisions such as race to divide rather than unite the nation. They label Republicans “terrorists” and “enemies.” They have taken away free speech for conservatives. The Party and their media mouthpieces make up lies about Trump and others, including working with Russia, even though there is strong evidence to the contrary. They have ignored border security to garner votes… Sure, you have heard all this before. Every conservative outlet has made these claims from Fox News to online personalities to elected officials like Ted Cruz. The airwaves are full of similar accusations. So, what makes Tulsi Gabbard’s latest attack book any different? Simple, she was a Democrat.