ENID, Oklahoma -- The NOC Mavericks ended their 2021 season Tuesday losing to Western 8-0.
The Mavs ended the season at 32-27.
Western out hit the Mavs 8-4, the Mavs made two errors.
Sam Shank, Matt Minyon, Holden Bartosovsky, and Geo Blackshaw had singles for the Mavs.
Chase DeFillippo was the starter for NOC allowing three runs over four innings. Jackie Robinson and Luke Livian worked in relief for the Mavs.
The Mavs lost to Western Sunday night by the identical score of 8-0.
Western 8, Mavs 0
123 456 7--R H E
Western 030 041 0--8 8 0
Mavs 000 000 0--0 4 2
Mavs--DeFillippo, Robinson (5), Livian (7) and Priest. L--DeFillippo.