Taking place at the Tonkawa Sale Barn, the Ride for the Kids Showdeo is coming to Tonkawa on October 5 at 1 pm. It is open to contestants if they want to bring their horses and ride, or to those who just want to sit and relax during the entertainment.The difference between this rodeo and others in the area has to do with the entry fee. Instead of the normal cash entry fee, they are asking that contestants bring a toy or game of at least $15 value to be entered. These toys and games will then go back to the children of struggling families in the area. The classes for the Showdeo are barrel racing, poles, stake racing, flag racing, sand surfing, and rescue racing. Each class will be divided into three age groups with 8 and under, 17 and over, and 60 and over.On top of the toy and game entry, they are also holding a silent auction that begins at 5 pm. For the silent auction, all proceeds will go to food baskets and toys for area families in need. Dinner will be provided for those at the Showdeo and current coggins are required for the horses who plan to enter.This Showdeo will not only be entertaining and a fun time, but it will also support families in need in our area. So if that interests you, make your way out to the Tonkawa Sale Barn on Saturday, October 5 at 1 pm so you don’t miss out and make sure to stay until 5 pm to see all the goodies that the silent auction has to offer.