65 years ago, June 10, 1954
Teacher Plans German Study
Miss Sara Ballenger, former Northern Oklahoma Junior college instructor who learned last week she had been granted a Fulbright award for foreign study, will sail for Germany about Sept. 8, according to word received here.
The former language instructor will attend a German university, to be assigned by the United States Educational Commission in the
Federal Republic of Germany. She starts a three-week orientation period Sept. 18 at Bad Honnef, a resort near Bonn.
The Fulbright award pays for travel, tuition, books, incidental allowance and living allowance for a year.
Miss Ballenger resigned at the end of the spring term at NOJC to go to the University of Indiana, where she was to be a graduate assistant and work on her doctor’s degree. She plans to return to
Indiana next year, according to word received here.
40 Grants Awarded NOJC Fall Students
Forty scholarships to Northern Oklahoma Junior college for the fall semester have been granted by the junior college scholarship committee to students in Tonkawa and the area served by NOJC,
President V. R. Easterling announced today.
Tonkawa students receiving tuition grants are Kay Barnhart, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Barnhart; Doris Wells, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Owen C. Wells; Madeline Cathey, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Cathey; Bob Brock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Delmar
Smith; Mary Catharine Schiltz, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Schiltz and Dean Avey, son of Mrs. Mary Avey.
Funds for the scholarships come from direct gifts made by friends of the college, from the scholarship and loan fund set up last fall by President Easterling and from state funds which allocate a certain amount to be distributed in scholarships.
Crain Named as City Manager Of Redman City
Miss Gail Crain, Tonkawa, has been appointed city manager of
Redman City as part of the program for the 1954 Oklahoma Girls
State on the Oklahoma College for Women campus.
The 1954 event, sponsored by the Oklahoma department of the
American Legion Auxiliary, officially opened Saturday, June 5, and continues through June 12. Three hundred sixty high school juniors from over the state are participating.
During the week, the citizens are putting “government in action” in the 12th annual Girls State.
Upon registering Saturday, each citizen drew for membership in the two political parties, Boomer and Sooner. Each party has an equal number of members. Miss Crain is a member of the Sooner party.
Starting with party organization, the citizens progress during the week by ...