Travis Parker has been with the City of Tonkawa over 25 years. He currently serves at Water and Electric Superintendent.
Here are some stats and facts on Parker:
Birthdate -- 11/29/73
Birthplace -- Ponca City
Length of time in Tonkawa or Kay County -- 41 years
Height -- 6-1
Marital status -- Married to Martha Neeley.
Children -- 3: Marissa, Cochanna and Joshua.
Grandchildren -- None.
Political affiliation -- Republican.
Favorite off-hour pastime -- Deer hunting.
Favorite dinner -- Roast, taters and carrots.
Favorite local restaurant -- As a fat man, all of them!
My proudest moment -- Becoming electric superintendent in 2007.
The dumbest thing I ever did was -- Not listening to advice my dad gave me.
My greatest accomplishment
-- Getting married, having a family.
Last book read -- 2017, City of Tonkawa codes and ordinances.
Favorite music -- 70’s rock.
Favorite sport -- NCAA football.
Favorite TV show --- Mayans M.C.
Favorite movie -- Tombstone.
Pet peeve -- Being late
Personal hero -- Grandpa Parker.
If a movie were ever made of my life, I would want (whom) to play me -- Val Kilmer.
If I had one wish, it would be -- No worries.
If I won $10 million, I would -- Live in the woods away from any roadway.
If I could have another job, I would like to be - Professional game hunter.
Favorite weekend getaway -- My man cave. It usually quiet unless city trouble brews.
Favorite vacation spot -- In my Buck Hut, Kay County.