Lately there have been many cries to “re-build” our nation. Many have said that we are living under “out dated” rules and laws. But much of our legal system was based in the Ten Commandments and God’s morality. So some call for change simply because our system is old.
The ancient king said, “The conclusion, when all has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person. 14 For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13).
At the core of the problem is that we as humans do not like “commands.” We are arrogant and believe that we know best.
The reasons for the great success of the United States of America over our 200-plus years is frequently credited to following God’s teachings. While our founding fathers may have not been perfect followers of Christ, they built this country on a belief in Scripture and in the Ten Commandments. To quote James Madison, our fourth president, “We stake the future of this country on our ability to govern ourselves under the principles of the Ten Commandments.”
Now certainly that is a far cry from where we are today. But what our nation desperately needs is to follow God’s will. We can either accept the truths of scripture, or we fight against them. And we will reap the inevitable results.
The Ten Commandments are on the doors of the Supreme Court, but the doors are left open so people won’t see them. God’s word has impacted our nation and caused changes in human rights, women’s rights, ending slavery, it has been the backbone of democracy. That is not to say that we have “arrived” in the sense that we have perfectly applied God’s word. Yes, we have room to grow and change.
God’s word represent the highest moral standard that the world knows, because it comes from our creator. God knows us; He knows what we need; He knows how we should live. But many say there are no moral absolutes. However, God stays the same, human nature does not change even if our external lives appear to change — inside we are still humans that God created.
Without God’s Word all morality boils down to our opinion. So whatever is the “fad,” or current trend, of the moment happens to be, then that becomes right in our eyes. It ...