What you believe is vitally important? It is the key to eternal life! You know John 3:16 says “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that whoever - everyone “who believes in Him may not perish but may have eternal life.” “Indeed”, the next verse says, “God sent the Son (His Son) into the world - in order that the world might be saved through Him” - Not condemned, but saved! Hundred of years before Christ was born, perhaps fifteen hundred, God called Abraham and told him to leave his country where he was living - leave his father’s home and family, and go wherever God would take him - a new land, a new country - and God would bless him if he obeyed. And Abraham believed God - He didn’t just believe in God. He already believed there was a God, but now he believed God. He believed God’s word! And he obeyed God’s word. When you hear God’s word you can do one of two things: You can believe God’s word or NOT believe God’s Word. And you can obey God’s word, or NOT obey God’s word. We always have a choice: we can believe or not, and we can obey it or not. The choice is ours - and it is a vital choice - life’s most important decision. Abraham made that vitally important decision. He could have said, “why should I do that? I’m comfortable here; I have land and home and family here. “No, thanks God!” You’re just asking too much. You send someone else.” That would have been easier, wouldn’t it? The way that is seems better than “What?”, “Where?”, “Why?”, “How?” All these questions, and you just have to step out in faith, believe in God, and go. And you know what? He will go with you - all the way.
Rev. Phil Erwin
First Presbyterian Church