Tonkawa Public Schools is calling for a $12,925,000 bond for the purpose of constructing a new centralized cafeteria. The vote will take place on Tuesday, August 23, 2022 at regular polling sites from 7 a.m.-7 p.m..The proposed project is under the supervision of Joe D. Hall Construction, LLC, Elk City, Oklahoma and Renaissance Architecture, LLC. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. If the vote is favorable, the projected completion date would be August 2024.Currently, meals for students are prepared at the cafeteria on the mid-hi/high school campus. Twice daily meals are transported to the elementary school. On the average 700 meals are packed for the trip to TES each day. Lunchtimes are scheduled to begin at 10:50 a.m. and end after 12:30 p.m. Issues with the current process include employing staff to successfully haul a large number of meals, as well as keeping the food warm and in a desirable state from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. At the mid-hi/high school site, 350 meals are served each day. This task is somewhat easier as packing and transporting food is not involved.The new cafeteria will be constructed to the north east of the event center. This is a central location between both schools. This structure would solve many issues and would enable students to have access to fresh, warm meals. It would include one kitchen preparation area and two serving lines. Two separate entrances and a retractable wall would guarantee separation of age groups. Two eating areas could accommodate over 200 students making it possible for 400 students to eat at the same time. The end result would be more time to spend on academic skills.What will this do to property owner taxes? Nothing! This is a NO TAX INCREASE BOND!