Pioneer Area Quilters Guild will meet on Monday, February 7 at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 1904 N. Pecan Road in Ponca City. The church requires participants wear face masks. Social hour will start at 10:00 a.m. with sign-in, library, workshop registration, stitch and assist lesson, and show and share of quilts and projects. The hospitality committee will provide water and tea. Attendees should bring their own covered drink cup and may bring their own food. Business meeting will be called to order at 11:00 a. m.The program will begin at about 12:00 noon.If you have questions or need further information, please contact president Kim Walling at 918-214-4060 or tundratoy71@yahoo. com. Guests are always welcome to attend, however, we do ask they join the group after two visits.The program, presented by PAQG member Kay Zang will highlight the Quilts of Valor Foundation. In early 2018, Kay constructed her first Quilt of Valor and presented it to a former classmate, a Vietnam veteran. Only four short years later, she has completed 68 quilts and had the privilege of “wrapping and awarding” these quilts to veterans who served in World War II, Korean War, Iraq, Desert Storm and Vietnam. She will share this journey along with how others can assist with this endeavor.