Tonkawa summer pride football gets under way Monday, June 1, Head Coach Mike Kirtley announced this week.
City Manager Kirk Henderson said locating a new municipal pool at Blinn Park is being questioned by engineers.
The city’s insurance rating will go from five to four effective Aug. 1, 2020, which means property owners should see a decrease in insurance rates.
Summer Pride Schedule
Football summer pride will begin at 7 a.m. Monday, June 1, and will continue until Aug. 1.
During June, athletes in grades 9-12, will meet at the high school dressing room at 7 a.m. on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. During July, athletes will meet 7 a.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Midhi coach Gage Martin said the same daily schedule would be for grades 6-8, except meeting at 9 a.m.
Kirtley said all those participating will need cleats and tennis shoes. Each athlete should also bring their own water or sports drink. He said the workouts would last between 90 minutes and two hours.
Pool issue
Henderson said the city had received its geotechnical report back on locations at Blinn Park for a municipal swimming pool.
Engineers hired by the city (Burgess engineering and testing) indicated they had concerns with the water table and the ground stability. The city is contacting several pool companies to see how the engineering affects the location of a pool in the park.
Opening the city
“We’re trying to reopen the community slowly as per CDC and the Governor’s guidelines,” Henderson said.
He urged residents to continue to be “responsible for themselves. Do whatever is right for yourself. Everybody still needs to be cautious.”
City Council meets
At the May 19 meeting of the mayor and city council, the new 2020-2021 budget was approved.
In other action, the council: -- Approved the financial report showing $8,264,539 in total
-- Approved the financial report showing $8,264,539 in total cash available -- $2,655,004 unrestricted and $5,171,543 restricted funds.