Oklahoma Senator Bill Coleman, along with Representatives John Pfeiffer and Ken Luttrell, addressed members of the Kay County Chapter of OK2A giving updates on pending legislation and offering insight on what it means to defend the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution.
Also speaking to the 67 attendees were Sheriff Steve Kelley who announced Kay County will be a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County and gave his views on the Red Flag Laws and Protective Orders. Don Spencer, OK2A State President, spoke on further updates and the need to keep Oklahoma citizens aware of the significance of upcoming legislation.
Those interested in learning more regarding OK2A are invited to the next meeting of the Kay County Chapter, being held at noon on Saturday, March 28, at New Hope Christian Fellowship, 401 S.Lincoln, Ponca City, OK. For further information, please contact Terry Lee Thompson, 580-670-0357, or email terry.thompsonok2a@ gmail.com.