PASADENA, Texas -- Two teams from Northern Oklahoma College competed in the Troubleshooting Skills Competition recently held at the LyondellBasell Center for Petrochemical, Energy & Technology at San Jacinto College, Pasadena, TX.Northern Oklahoma College was one of the founding schools for this Troubleshooting Competition and hosted the initial competition in 2012.The Teams from NOC for this year’s competition were the Crude Okies, Xavier Tsosie (Team Captain), Tristan Cunningham, and Kyler Inman, and the Okie Olefins, Eric Segura (Team Captain), Cooper Anderson, and Ashley Fox. Heath Braden participated as an Alternate.The Crude Okies placed 5th and the Okie Olefins placed 9th in a competition that included 32 Teams from around the Nation. The Team’s Coach was Mark Goddard, NOC Process Technology Adjunct.