Three sets of murals, created by Osage artist Yatika Starr Fields, were dedicated Wednesday at Northern Oklahoma College Tonkawa’s Cultural Engagement Center.The murals, located in the CEC and the Pickens Learning Commons, encompass over 5,000 square feet.Fields was commissioned by Hugh Pickens to create the murals as part of the existing art collection in the Pickens Learning Commons in the Vineyard Library Administration Building.In introducing Fields, Pickens said, “Our vision was for Yatika to create something that was immersive, something that had art on all sides and I think we accomplished that today. Yatika has the ability as an artist to see beyond the present, access spiritual realms through visions that undertake long journeys.”Fields started by thanking NOC and the relationship that has developed over the years with President Emeritus Dr. Cheryl Evans and current President Diana Morris Watkins, Sheri Snyder and Hugh Pickens.“This was a collaboration of individuals who appreciate art with a unique vision and I’m glad we crossed paths to do that because it created and enabled a place to educate,” Fields said. “This can be a place to nurture creativity through envisioning a new future. That’s what this college has done over its history.”“In the three years of this project, I have learned so much about NOC and the Tonkawa community as well as the Ponca Nation and Tonkawa Nation,” he said.He also took time to describe the murals and how the history of NOC played a part in the symbols included in the murals.Sheri Snyder, Vice President for Development and Community Relations, emceed the program.“Today is a continuation of a wonderful partnership we (NOC) have had with Mr. Hugh Pickens and the Doctor Pickens Museum, Inc., which started in 2020 under the presidential leadership of Dr. Cheryl Evans, when Hugh (Pickens) commissioned the beautiful 50-foot murals painted by Yatika here in our Cultural Engagement Center,” Snyder said.Snyder added that In April 2022, NOC administration presented the vision of the Tonkawa Library and new contemporary Student Learning Commons to the Northern Oklahoma College Board of Regents, where they not only approved the project, but also approved the naming of the facility “The Pickens Learning Commons” thanks to the substantial support from the Doctor Pickens Museum, Inc. In June, the contract was renewed between the College and the Pickens Museum and Hugh commissioned the two stunning murals totaling 100’x20’ by Yatika. Additionally, there are over 80 pieces ...