Kay County Commissioners
Monday, January 6, 2020
Newkirk, Oklahoma
The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) of Kay County, Oklahoma, met in regular session at 9:00 o’clock a.m. on Monday, January 6, 2020, the meeting was posted for public information on January3, 2020, at 8:50 a.m. on the Courthouse front door, Commissioners Court, and basement handicapped entrance of the Kay County Courthouse in Newkirk, Oklahoma.
Chairman Jack Godberson called the meeting to order. Those present were as follows: John Wilson, Member; Jason Shanks, Member; Brian Hermanson, District Attorney (DA); Steve Kelley, Kay County Sheriff; Susan Keen, Kay County Assessor; Dennis Bonewell, Emergency Management Director; Cheryl Howard, Kay County Election Board Secretary; Jessica Windom, Ponca City News; Claude Williams, Taxpayers for Transparency; Tammy Reese, Secretary/Kay County Clerk. (See sign in sheet).
Chairman Jack Godberson led the Flag Salute.
Motion was made by Shanks and seconded by Wilson approving regular meeting minutes of December 16, 2019 and special meeting minutes of December 20, 2019. Motion carried: Godberson, aye; Wilson, aye; Shanks, aye.
Motion was made by Shanks and seconded by Godberson approving and selecting BOCC John Wilson to serve as BOCC Chairman for 2020. Motion carried: Godberson, aye; Wilson, aye; Shanks, aye.
Motion was made by Shanks and seconded by Godberson approving to enter into a special meeting of the Kay County Public Buildings Authority (9:04 a.m.). Motion carried: Godberson, aye; Wilson, aye; Shanks, aye.
Motion was made by Shanks and seconded by Godberson approving to re-enter into the regular meeting of the BOCC (9:09 a.m.). Motion carried: Godberson, aye; Wilson, aye; Shanks, aye.
Motion was made by Shanks and seconded by Godberson tabling, until invoice is received, Affidavit Certifying REAP Project Completion for the River Road Fire Department Fire Tanker Truck assembly with attachments project. Motion carried: Godberson, aye; Wilson, aye; Shanks, aye.
Motion was made by Shanks and seconded by Godberson approving Oklahoma Juvenile Affairs November 2019 Detention Transportation Claim in the amount of $5,780.16. Motion carried: Godberson, aye; Wilson, aye; Shanks, aye.
Motion was made by Godberson and seconded by Shanks approving reimbursement claim for Election Board Secretary Salary for the month of December 2019. Motion carried: Godberson, aye; Wilson, aye; Shanks, aye.
Motion was made by Shanks and seconded by Godberson approving to go out on bid for ballot printing for 2020, Election Board. Motion carried: Godberson, aye; Wilson, aye; Shanks, aye.
Motion was made by Godberson and seconded by Shanks approving Agreements between the BOCC and the following to have remote terminal ...