Kay County Commissioners
Monday, March 25, 2019
Newkirk, Oklahoma
The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) of Kay County, Oklahoma, met in regular session at 9:00 o’clock a.m. on Monday, March 25, 2019, in the Commissioners Court of the Kay County Courthouse in Newkirk, Oklahoma. Notice of the meeting was posted for public information on March 22, 2019, at 8:50 a.m. at the Courthouse front door, Commissioners Court, and basement handicapped entrance of the Kay County Courthouse in Newkirk, Oklahoma.
Chairman Jack Godberson called the meeting to order. Those present were as follows: John A. Wilson, Member; Jason Shanks, Member; Brian Hermanson, District Attorney (DA); Terry Willets and Frank Cain, Newkirk; Jay Paul Fagan; Judge Jennifer Brock, Special District Judge; Kay County Treasurer Christy Kennedy and Rhonda Stephens, First Deputy Treasurer; Dennis Bonewell, Emergency Management Director; Claude Williams, Taxpayers for Transparency; Tammy Reese, Secretary/Kay County Clerk.
(See sign in sheet).
Chairman Jack Godberson led the Flag Salute.
Motion was made by Shanks and seconded by Wilson approving regular meeting minutes of March 18, 2019. Motion carried: Godberson, aye; Wilson, aye; Shanks, aye.
Judge Jennifer Brock, Special District Judge, hiring mandatory drug court employees as county employees: Judge Brock explained the hiring process and contracting as third party. She said no county money would be spent and the employees would be paid out of grant money. Judge Brock said by allowing the employees to be paid like a county employee it would allow her more control over the hiring process, etc. She briefly explained the drug court procedure and the people involved with the services.
DA Hermanson stated the program is to get people off drugs and to keep them from going to prison.
Judge Brock said the employees would qualify for retirement and their benefits would be the same as other county employees. Commissioner Shanks said this is basically cutting out the middle man. Judge Brock said yes and told the BOCC the employees would be officed in Ponca City. Payroll, starting date and account to be paid out of was also discussed.
Motion was made by Shanks and seconded by Godberson approving Judge Jennifer Brock, Special District Judge, to hire mandatory drug court employees as county employees with the same benefits. Motion carried: Godberson, aye; Wilson, aye; Shanks, aye.
Possible new wind farm in the Newkirk area and other concerns with a wind farm: Mr. Cain said this new wind farm being proposed will look like a horse shoe around Newkirk; he ...