This isn’t how you expected your graduation to go. You expected to be able to walk across the stage and receive the diploma you have worked so hard for. Instead, you are met with uncertainty on if and how you will graduate. If we are honest with ourselves it’s not just a piece of paper, it’s the celebration...the chance to walk across that stage as many have done before you.
While a ceremony is in the plans for June or July, according to school officials, what we can guarantee is that we will celebrate you as we have with the classes before you.
We would like to ask the Tonkawa High School Class of 2020 to submit to us a short biography of your years at Tonkawa, including parents and activities so we can celebrate your achievements in our Senior Edition May 16, the traditional final day of school.
Please send your information to or text it to 580.227.2532.
The Tonkawa News