The Kay County Treasurer would like to make the public aware that the treasurer’s office will be conducting the annual Tax Resale for the office of the County Treasurer on Monday, June 12th, 2023 at the KAY COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING, located at 219 S Main, Newkirk, beginning at 9:00am. The new Administration Building is located next to the current Kay County Courthouse that is under remodel. You should not enter the Courthouse in any way and come straight to the Administration Building. We will have signs that will help guide you to our new facility. This sale will be for property that is being sold for several years of delinquent tax as required by state statute Title 68 Section 3129.There will be less space due to the change of location. It will be the responsibility of those who choose to attend to take precautions for COVID-19 such as masks and distancing.