The Tonkawa city council has approved Cardinal Engineering’s proposal of $5,000 for scope of services and a fee schedule for geotechnical investigation and report for two possible swimming pool sites at Blinn Park.
The action was taken at the Tuesday, March 17, meeting of the mayor and council.
In other action, Mayor Ken Smith and Councilmen Glenn Cope, Stacy Burns, Jack Evans and Scott Klufa:
-- Discussed the engineering report for the Red Bud sewer project.
-- Authorized the city manager to go out for bid for the Red Bud sewer project.
-- Accepted a DEQ permit for the 2020 CDBG water line replacement project.
- Approved purchase of 10 bunker gear using state contract pricing of $3,000 each for a total of $30.000, as provided for in the capital outlay budget for the Fire Department.
-- Approved a request from love’s Tire Shop for modification of the fire prevention code to allow bulk storage of LPG at the tire shop. The application with safeguards have the approval of the fire chief.
-- Approved the city monthly financial report. The city has $8,197,368 in total cash -- $5,574,158 restricted and $2,823.210 unrestricted.
-- Approved a resolution amending and establishing the new water rate schedule for utility customers.
-- Approved an invoice totalling $11,280 from Cardinal Engineering for the Tonkawa waterline replacement project.