Tonkawa city workers will be getting an annual Christmas stipend in December, it was decided at the Tuesday, Nov. 19, meeting of the city council.
City Manager Kirk Henderson recommended a $200 stipend for full-time employees and $50 for part-time. It was passed unanimously by Councilmen Kenneth Smith, Glenn Cope, Jack Evans, Scott Klufa and Stacy Burns.
The annual audit report by Darrell White of FSW&B Certified Public Accountants was approved as presented by the council. He said the city had a good year with revenues up by $1.75 million in 2019 with total revenue at $8.495 million and expenses at $6.7 million.
Henderson said the downtown sidewalk construction along Main Street has been postponed due to a bidding procedure and is now about six months out.
In other action, the council:
-- Approved the financial report. Total cash available is $7,688,304 with $2,130,350 unrestricted and $5,110,962 restricted.
-- Approved council meeting dates for 2020, all on the third Tuesday at 5:30 p.m.
Accepted a bid for a generator automatic transfer switch from Imajenus Inc. for $14,279 and also awarded the contract.
-- Approved an ordinance amending the IOMRF employee retirement system defined benefit plan for the city by adopting a revised and restated retirement plan.
-- Approved the amendment to the OMRF master defined benefit plan joinder agreement effective Jan. 1, 2020.
-- Appointed Kenneth Vogt to a new three year term on the airport board.
-- Approved a general fund budget amendement for fiscal year 2020 for police, fire, ambulance and street departments.
-- Approved a change order from chief Fire and Safety Company, Inc. for $2,372 for “One ambulance remount.”
-- Approved purchase of a refurbished Lifepak 15 for $18,900 from Integris Equipment. A new one costs $34,000.
-- Approved a five year lease purchase agreement with Tonkawa Municipal authority for matching funds for a new ambulance and ambulance equipment at a total of $88,272 with payments of $1,507.64 a month for 60 months.
-- Awarded the bid for remodel of the fire department training room to Williams Construction for $8,800.
-- Approved an amendment to the City of Tonkawa personnel manual with the addition of a new subsection to be entitled “Social Media/social Networking.”
-- Approved action to surplus the K-9 drug interdiction dog and authorize the sale to the highest competitive bid.