The Tonkawa city council has authorized spending up to $10,000 to purchase new downtown Christmas decorations and lights. It will be budgeted in the new year, it was decided at the Tuesday, March 16 meeting of the group.
City Manager Kirk Henderson presented a plan to minimize the impact on 150 residential customers with high water usage due to the freezing weather in February.
Utility Billing clerk Michelle Cain will process bills for april and then take the average of January, February and March, add the cost of 1,000 gallons and give credit for the diference between the total water used and the averaging of the three months. The plan was approved unanimously.
In other action, Councilmen Kenneth Smith, Glenn Cope, Stacy Burns, Jack Evans and Scott Klufa:
-- Approved the lowest and best bid from SMC Utility Construction in the amount of $224,770 for the 17865 CDBG 20 waterline replacement project and authorized its signing of the notice of contract award.
-- Approved ordinance 2021-03-01. It is published on page 6.
-- Tabled taking action on the placement of the new Tonkawa Aquatic Center until elevations can be received.
-- Approved a request from Police Chief Nick Payne to make Seventh and NOC a four-way stop for safety reasons.
-- Approved invoice from Parkhill smith/Cardinal (formerly Cardinal Engineering) for $27,014.60 for new water wells, standpipe and water lines at I35 and Highway 60 project.
-- Approved an invoice to Parkhill Smith/Cardinal in the amount of $1,280 for tonkawa water line replacement project.
-- Approved an invoice from Parkhill Smith/Cardinal for $15,530.90 for new water wells, standpipe and water lines at the I-35 and Highway 60 project.
-- Approved the financial report. The city has $8,569,779 in total cash with $2,705,860 unrestricted and $5,863,919 restricted.