Sharona, who has quickly stolen the heart of the Tonkawa Animal Control has still yet to be adopted. This beautiful girl, lovingly named Sharona by Tonkawa’s own incredible Animal Control Officer (TACO), is what most might consider a perfect dog, which is so hard to come by. Sharona is believed to be a lab mix of some kind and is about a year old. Despite being so young, Sharona is very calm. She would much rather curl up at your feet then bark, jump around, and act like a crazy puppy. In fact, Sharona is quite the shy little girl, but she does love attention and affection from anyone who will give it to her. She is great with kids, other dogs, and doesn’t even seem to mind cats. The only thing this dog is missing is a loving family to call her own.If you or someone you know would like to give this little girl, or any other animal at the Tonkawa Animal Shelter, a home and family to call their own, call 580-628-1498, visit them in person by heading out to the shelter located a half mile south of the Salt Fork Bridge on Main Street, or email them at by Dailyn Emery) ...