65 years ago, April 19, 1954
Highway Meet Set June 3-5
The annual conventionof the U. S. Highway 60 association will be held in Poplar Bluff, Mo., June 3-5, Harry Harville, president announced today.
Delegates to the convention will register at the Dunn hotel beginning at 10 a.m.and the first business session will start at 2 p.m on June 3.
Another business session will be held June 4 and a banquet will be held that evening. Milton F. Duvall, president of the Missouri
Good Roads association, will be guest speaker.
Saturday, June 5, will be set aside for a tour of the Ozark resort area, Harville said.
Members of the board of directors who made plans for the convention include Harville; Harald Hilmer, Riverside, Calif., vice-president; Hollis McGinness, Tonkawa, secretary-treasurer; Bill
Huso, Showlow, Ariz.; Jim Norris, Riverside, Calif.; J. E. Thomas
Seneca, Mo.; Roscoe Ake, Socorro, N. M.; Wayman Cornelson
Fairview; and Howard Bucklingham, Pampa, Tex.
Curtis School Accepts City Band Student
Tonkawa high school’s most outstanding musician has been accepted as a student of clarinet at the Curth Institute of Music at
Philadelphia, Pa., for the 1954-55 school term.
Jack Ratterree received word that he had been accepted for the exclusive music school after beingone of 13 who auditioned recently for the clarinet opening at the institute. He will study with
Arthur Giglietti, who is first clarinetist with the Philadelphia Symphony.
Students are accepted on a scholarship basis exclusively and pay no tuition, textbook or music fees.
Ratterre has studies with Keith Stein, clarinet instructor at Michigan State college, for the past three summers while attending National Music Camp at Interlochen, Mich., and with Richard Rence of Tonkawa for two years.
In state and national competition he has won several honors.
The son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ratterree, 301 West Grand, he will leave for Curtis Institute early next fall.
50 years ago, April 3, 1969
Church Plans Budget Drive Kickoff Feed
The First Methodist church will open its drive for the 1954-55 budget with a kickoff supper in the church basement at 7 p.m
Wednesday, Rev. J. Ray Lawler, pastor, announced today.
Division leaders and team captains to conduct the budget drive known as the Roy Farrow plan, have been chosen and an educational program on the budget conducted here the past three weeks.
At the kickoff supper Louis Strong, Blackwell, will be guest speaker. Mrs. Bob Asbury and Roy Austin are in charge of the rest of the program.
Andy Evans and Pete Sloan are division leaders for the budget-drive. Team ...