Musicians Fan Out On Campus for Meet
Hundreds of high school musicians from 35 schools were pouring onto the Northern Oklahoma Junior college campus and fanning out over Tonkawa today as the annual district music elimination contests opened.
Vocal and instrumental soloists, trios, quartets and small emsembles competed today, followed by band, glee club and mixed chorus competition Friday.
More than 2,000 students will be at NOJC during the two days to attempt to qualify for the state music contests slated later this spring at Norman and Stillwater. Miss Rhoda Sharp, NOJC local music instructor, is chairman of the contest.
McMillen Tops FFA Drivers
James McMillen, Tonkawa FFA boy, won the district tractor driving contest held at Woodward Tuesday. He represented Kay county after recently winning the county contest.
Sixteen counties in northwestern Oklahoma participated in the
Woodward contest. McMillen scored 942 points of a possible
1,000. By winning he qualified for the state tractor driving contest scheduled April 21 at Stillwater.
For winning the district event he will be presented with a gold watch. Accompanying McMillen to Woodward were his father,
Loris McMillen, Allen Jones, both of rural Tonkawa, and Jack
Higgins, Blackwell tractor dealer.
College Thespians Will
Present “Spring Fever,” Three-Act Play
“Spring Fever,” a three-act play, will be presented by the Thespian club at Northern Oklahoma Junior college, April 27.
A tentative cast has been selected, according to A. C. Sweet and
Miss Jeanne Aber, faculty sponsors. The play has a college setting with a cast of six girls and six boys.
The tentative cast includes Paul Wooldridge as Howard Brant, a senior at Brookfield college; Jack Bewley as Ed Burns, a chemistry student; Bob Robinson as Vic Lewis, an art student; Frances Myers as Lou Herron, a Journalism student; Roberta Robison as Mrs. Apangler, the landlady; Jo Ann Burford as Anne Purcell,
Howard’s heart-interest; Terry Reynolds as Lillian George, Vic’s heart-interest; Gary Spears as Henry Purcell, Anne’s father; Pat
Raupe as Phoebe Purcell, Anne’s mother; Madeline Cathey as May
Correy, Howard’s spinster aunt from California; Felix Peters as
Professor Virgel Bean of the zoology department, and Bill Daniel as Dr. Dixon, president of Brookfield college.
Legg, Ozment, Scott, Kirkpatrick,
Mulkey Elected To City Council;
Two-Thirds Eligible Voters Go to Polls
Tonkawa voters turned out at the polls in big numbers Tuesday to endorse overwhelmingly five candidates pledged “for efficient, economical city government and for a better city management of the city of Tonkawa.”
Elected were Howard Legg, Riley Ozment, Edward J. Scott, V. M. Mulkey and Leroy Kirkpatrick.
The total vote ...