The Tonkawa News
Cloak, Dagger Man to Speak
Cloak and dagger experiences from World War II will be told by Dan T. Moore, former counter-intelligence chief, to students, faculity and guests of Northern Oklahoma Junior college Monday morning.
Moore will appear in Wilkin auditorium at 10 a.m. in a program under the auspices of the University of Kanasa Bureau of Lectures and Concert Artists.
During the war Moore was executive assistant to the chief of X-2 in Washington D. C. This is the counter-intelligence agency of the Office of Strategic Services (D.S.S.). He later was stationed in the Middle East, serving as top man in X-2 headquarters in Cairo, Egypt.
In his lecture Moore will reveal many of his experiences in the war service.
Student Wins Typing Event
A Tonkawa high school junior, Miss Carolyn Dowler, was the individual of the Enid Business college’s High school Typing Festival held in Enid Saturday.
Miss Dowler was a member of the first-year team from Tonkawa.
She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dowler, 108 South Fourth.
The team, which also included Doris Mills and Ann Schatz, took second place in the meet.
Miss Dowler won the contest with a speed of 58 words a minute.
The Tonkawa first-year team got an average of 49 words a minute, compared to 51 for the winning trio.
Members of Tonkawa’s second-year team, which also competed in the Enid festival, were Mary King, Janice Evans and Marilyn
Jueschke. Jeannie Bergsten entered as an individual typist.
Members of both the THS teams won pins for proficiency in typing. They are students of Mrs. Elsie Evans.
Tonkawa students competed with approximately 40 schools with about 150 students in each division, typing one and two.
Ilsley Teaches Class in Tulsa
Several former Tonkawa and Kay county residents are now active members of the First Presbyterian church in Tulsa, according to word received here from L. C. Ilsley, former pastor of the First
Presbyterian church of Tonkawa.
Miss Rose Martin, who sang in the local Presbyterian choir while a Northern Oklahoma Junior college student, is one of the leading soloists in the Tulsa church, which is second largest, Presbyterian church in the country, Rev. Ilsley said.
Sunday she sang several solos in the large Men’s Brotherhood class as a highlight of the celebration of completion of the new
$5500,000 Kerr Memorial Educational building.
Rev. Ilsely is assistant teacher of the men’s class and one of the devotional leaders is W. E. Patterson, a former elder in the Ponca
City church. Mr. and ...