60 years ago, June 16, 1960
Three Cityans Are On OBU Honor Roll
Three Oklahoma Baptist university students from Tonkawa are numbered among the top 10 per cent of the student body in scholastic achievement for the 1960 spring semester and are listed on the President and Dean’s honor rolls, Dr. L. E. Solomon, dean and registrar has announced.
Listed on the President’s honor roll is Max Lyall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lyall, 105 N. Tenth.
On the Dean’s honor roll are Jimmie Dishrow, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Dishrow, 301 S. Main, and Guy Lyall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lyall.
To be qualified for the President’s honor roll a student must be enrolled in at least 12 hours and maintain a 3.5. average on the four point (4.0) system with a grade below a B. Eighty students were listed on the honor roll, 21 of which had a straight A average.
A student must have a 3.0 average with no grade below a C to qualify for the Dean’s honor roll. The list for the spring semester includes the names of 156 students.
School Board Buys Desks; Eyes New Teaching Method For Mathematics, Spanish
Elementary students of Washington school will return to classes in the fall to find their rooms equipped with new furniture as a result of action by the board of education Monday evening.
Also purchased in an $8,149.80 furniture order were chairs for the commerce department of the high school and nearly 100 pieces for the junior high department.
A “new look” in mathematics may greet junior high students when they arrive next fall, according to Superintendent of Schools A. J. Evans.
The administrator told the board at its regular June meeting that mathematics instructors of the school had already attended two workshops on a new approach to the teaching of the subjects.
Evans said the program, already initiated in several schools in the state, entailed a “more practical” application of mathematics designed to add interest in the seventh and ninth grades, he said.
Average daily attendance in Tonkawa schools during the past term fell somewhat below that of the 1958-59 year, Evans reported.
The total average daily attendance for the past term was 772.2 as compared to 766.3 of the 1958-59 year which Evans termed the best percentage he can remember in his teaching experience.
During the past term, average attendance in local schools, compared to the previous year in parenthesis were: Elementary, 393.2 (414.5);