65 years ago, March 22, 1954
Evans Elected NOEA Prexy
Andy J. Evans, superintendent of Tonkawa public schools, has begun his duties as 1954 president of the Northern Oklahoma Education association. He was elected at the annual meeting in Enid
Evans succeeds J. Arthur Herron, Blackwell superintendent, to the post. He defeated George A. McCutchan, Pond Creek, for the office.
Mrs. Alpha Skirving, Blackwell, is the new vice-president, and
John Divine, Perry, was elected executive board member.
School Officials Attend Convention
Supt. A. J. Evans left Sunday for Chicago to attend a meeting of the North Central Association of high schools and Colleges. The convention will begin Tuesday.
Howard R. Harold, dean of Northern Oklahoma Junior college, will represent NOJC at the convention. Both Tonkawa high school and the college are members of the association.
Easter Club Meets In Ponca City Home
Mrs. Vernon McDaniel, Ponca City, was hostess to members of the Easter club when the group met in her home Thursay afternoon.
Miscellaneous topics were used to answer roll call.
During the business session, Mrs. Mildred Rothgeb and Mrs.
Violet McAninch were reported ill.
Mrs. Rosalie Dritch received the mystery package and contests furnished a prize for each member present.
At the close of the meeting a refreshment course was served to Mrs. Myrtle Bunch, Mrs. Freda Burns, Mrs. Ethel Cales, Mrs.
Dritch, Mrs. Eva Dorsett, Mrs. Mable Esch, Mrs. Betty Humphries and Mrs. T. E. Peck.
Bridge Club Meets In Hochderffer Home
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hochderffer entertained members of the bridge club at a dessert bridge in their home Friday evening.
Prizes for the evening’s high scores were awarded to Mrs. Roy
Powell and Merle Casford. Mrs. Clark McKee won low.
Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Merle Casford, Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Morgan, Jr., Mrs. Powell, Bud Whitehead, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scott and Mr. and Mrs. Hochderffer.
50 years ago, March 6, 1969
Buster Muegge Is Named To Get Oil Scholarship
Buster Muegge, Tonkawa freshman at Oklahoma State University Technical Institute, has been selected to receive a petroleum technology scholarship from Dowell Division, Dow Chemical
. company
The two-year associate degree program in September.
Muegge’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bus Muegge, are residents of rural Tonkawa. He is a 1966 graduate of Lamont high school.
30 Public School Teachers Hired By School Board
Thirty classroom teachers in the city public school system were rehired for the 1969-70 school year by the Board of Education during the regular meeting Monday night at the High school. One teacher, Ralph Jones, social studies and coach ...