60 years ago, April 18, 1960
Dr. Easterling Is Candidate for OEA Vice-Presidency
Northern Oklahoma Junior College president, Dr. V. R. Easterling has been named as a candidate for the Oklahoma Educational Association’s vice-presidency for 1960-61.
Dr. Easterling, president of Northern since 1963 has had experience ranging from public school teaching, coaching, serving as principal and superintendent, four years in the navy, and at present serving as a Commander in the U.S. Navy Reserve.
His college teaching experience was gained as professor of history and political science at Kansas State College of Agriculture and Applied Science in Manhattan, Kansas.
Dr. Easterling is active as an elder and lay speaker in the Christian church, participates in Kiwanis, the local chamber of commerce, Boy Scouts, March of Dimes, American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, and was 1958-59 president of the Oklahoma Christian Men’s fellowship.
He is president of the Oklahoma Educational association’s history teachers group and is a member of the Governor’s committee to supevise the Pioneer Woman Historical museum in Ponca City. He is also president of the Kay County Tuberculoisis association.
VFW, Auxiliary Hold Installation Ceremonies
Lester Snow was installed as commander of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1229, and Mrs. Jerry Weeks assumed the presidency of the Auxiliary when the two groups held joint installation Thursday evening.
Others taking office in the VFW were Jerry Weeks, senior vice; Dan Reeser, junior vice; Floyd Ridgeway, chaplain; Paul Walker, senior president; Mrs. Gene Reynolds, junior vice-president; Mrs. Reeser, treasurer; Mrs. Fred Van Meter, secretary; Mrs. Lester Wood, conductress; Mrs. Opaline Henry, guard; Mrs. Ethel Haen was installing officer and Mrs. Jim Yeager, conductress for the ceremonies.
Out of town guests were Mrs. Bob Majors, Mrs. Carrie Bradley, Mrs. Marie Anderson, Mrs. Paula Christian, all of Blackwell and Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Lock of Ponca City.
Refreshments were served following the installation ceremonies at the VFW hall.
Mrs. Dorothy Long Is Named Martha Circle Chairman Tuesday Night
Miss Dorothy Long was named chiarman of the Martha circle of the First Methodist church at the April session of the group held Tuesday night in the church parlor.
Other new officers selected for the ensuing year were Miss Linabel Lucas, vice president, Mrs. Heber Hansz, secretary and Mrs. Kenneth Leffler, treasurer.
The impressive lesson of the evening, featuring prayer life, was a continuation of the series of the studies on “Luke’s Portrait of Christ” and was given by Miss Long.
Miss Nora West presented an Easter devotional.
Mrs. W.