60 years ago, April 11, 1960
Mrs. E. Thomas Is Elected BPW Club President
Mrs. Elmer Thomas was named president of the Tonkawa Business and Professional Women’s club for the ensuing term at Thursday evening’s dinner meeting held in Hotel Tonkawa.
Mrs. Thomas succeeds Mrs. Howard Cole.
Other new officers chosen following the report of nominating committee chairman, Miss Irene Reed, were Mrs. Chester Smith, vice president; Mrs. Clem Ogg, secretary and Mrs. Ed Cunningham, treasurer.
During the business period it was announced that the local club is entitled to six voting delegates at the state BPW meeting to be held April 22, 23 and 24.
Mrs. A. D. Buck, department president of the American Legion auxiliary, was announced as the featured speaker for the April 28th meeting when Mrs. Ogg, chairman of the club’s national security committee, will be in charge.
A highlight of the Thursday evening meeting was a progressive seating arrangement conducted by Mrs. H. R. Harold.
Mrs. Marie Ash was a guest at the session.
Kirtley Named to Head Rec Program
Clane Kirtley, athletic coach at Tonkawa high school, last week was named director of the summer recreation program sponsored annually by the chamber of commerce.
The recreation committee, meeting Thursday, selected Kirtley for the second consecutive year in the position, and outlined plans for the summer session.
According to Albert Wetmore, chairman, the program will open May 31 and will continue 10 weeks through June, July and part of August.
Attending the meeting were George Taylor, director, Jack Harris, Mrs. Dean Sipe, Marshall Cathey and Wetmore.
THS Students Win Places in Tourney
Three students of the local high school placed Saturday when the annual CSC Scholastic tournament was held in Edmond.
Winning first place in Class B American History was James Gilbert.
Marilynn DuRoy placed second in bookkeeping and Robert Easterling received a second in chemistry,
The meet was attended by more than 1,200 high school students. Mrs. Martha B. Handley, assistant professor of education at Central State college, and Dr. Sam Webster, associate professor of general science of CSC, directed the event.
Leah Beth Taylor Miss Okeene
Leah Beth Taylor holds the trophy awarded her last week in the Miss Okeene contest held in conjunction with the annual Rattlesnake Roundup. The Tonkawa beauty will compete as Miss Okeene in the Miss Oklahoma contest to be held in Oklahoma City in July.
Mrs. Ray Hamilton Gives Program on Early Days Of Area at DAR Meeting
Mrs. Ray Hamilton gave an informative talk on the settlers of this ...