60 years ago, March 14, 1960
Local Youngsters Winners in Poster Contests
For the third consecutive year, Marilyn Mayes has won a district conservation poster contest, sponsored by the Garden Clubs of Oklahoma. Competing this year in the junior high division, Miss Mayes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mayes, was judged the winner at Perry Thursday when the district convention of garden clubs was held.
Also winning in the district contest were Glenda Veal, first place and Bob Olmstead, second in the fourth, fifth and sixth grade divisions. Glenda is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen E. Veal, and Bob is the son of Mrs. Harris Olmstead.
District prizes were $3.00 for first place, $2.00 for second place, and $1.00 for third place. As winners, the posters will be submitted for state competition.
In the local contests, winners were: First, second and third grades, Jimmy Langdon, first, Judy Case, second, and JoNelle Langdon, third; Fourth, fifth and sixth grades, Glenda Veal, first, Bob Olmstead, second; and junior high Marilyn Mayes, first.
Local prizes were $1.00, 50 cents and 50 cents.
Guy Lyall, Tenor, Presents Recital At OBU
Guy Lyall, Oklahoma Baptist university senior from Tonkawa, will be presented in a voice recital by the Warren M. Angell College of Fine Arts Thursday, March 17 8:15 p.m., in University auditorium.
Accompanying Lyall will be his brother, Max, a junior majoring in piano.
A voice major and piano minor, Lyall is studying with Miss Nancy Montgomery, OBU assistant professor of music. A tenor, he has also studied with Miss Rhoda Sharp, voice instructor at Northern Oklahoma Junior college.
Lyall is a member of the Bison Glee club, Shawnee Choral society, Christian Music guild, and Music Educators club.
Among the songs Lyall will sing are “Der Wanderer” and Nacht und Traume,” By Schubert; “Be Thou Faithful unto Death,” by Mendelssohn; and “O, Cease Thy Singing,” by Rachmaninoff.
Guy and Max Lyall are sons of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Lyall, 105 N. Tenth.
BPW Meet Is Marked By Initiation
Initiation ceremonies for ten members marked the Thursday evening dinner meeting of the Tonkawa Business and Professional Womens club held at Hotel Tonkawa.
Program chairman Mrs. Kathryn White, assisted by Mrs. Laura Williams, membership chairman, composed and conducted the initiatory service which included a brief biographical sketch of each new member, alms of the BPW organization, the club pledge and the emblem benediction. New members were given red rose corsages. Miss Irene Reed and Mrs. Williams pinned the ...