Precinct Officers Elected by Tonkawa Demos
Tonkawa Democrats took their first steps to party organization for the next two years Friday evening when precincit officers and committeemen where elected.
The next organizational meeting will be on the county level next Saturday when all precinct chairmen and co-chairmen will elect officers for the County Central committee at Newkirk. The meeting is scheduled for 2 p.m., according to J. W. Boone, county chairman.
Precinct officers elected here were: TC1, Dr. R. P. Carter, chairman; Mrs. Lucille Frazier, co-chairman; Mrs. Hazel Thomas, secretary-treasurer; Harry Harville, Mrs. J. W. Boone, Howard Harris, Mrs. R. P. Carter, committeemen:
TC-2, John King, chairman; Mrs. Marabel Schatz, co-chairman; Mrs. Elizabeth Bergsten, secretary-treasurer; Francis Langdon, Jack Harris, Mrs. Lora Heltzel, Mrs. Virda Bush, committeemen:
TC-3, Austin Barker, chairman; Mrs. Dale Fuller, co-chairman; Mrs. Elton Staggers, secretary-treasurer; Joe Hubbell, Louis Anderson, BIll Roller, and Elton Staggers, committeemen:
TC-4, Edward Scott, chairman’ Mrs. Ida Cooley, co-chairman; Mrs. Rosemary Scott, secretary-treasurer; Dr. T. C. Carter, Mrs. T. C. Carter, committeemen:
TC-5, Robert R. Boone, chairman; Mrs. Ava Lee Reavis, cochairman; Mrs. Mayme White, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. Dorothy Long, Mrs. Barbara Wood, Dean Sipe, Ivan Foster, committeemen:
In all wards, the chiarman and co-chairman who are official representatives to the Central committee, were also elected delegates to the county convention at a later date.
FFA Show Winners Are Announced
The season’s first livestock show and judging contest was held in Tonkawa Saturday by members of the local FFA chapter showing stock they will exhibit later in stock shows at Enid, Newkirk and Oklahoma City.
In the livestock judging contest, the top five individuals were: Wilson Ailey, 351 points; Danny Burns, 346 points; Lee Jones, 343 points, Max McCoy, 332 points; and Joe Tipton, 329 points.
Judge of the events was Dick Bonfy, Arkansas City, who started placing lambs at 9 a.m., an event followed by the judging of swine and steers.
Danny Irby exhibited the grand champion lamb, a Southdown weighing 110 lbs. Sonny Burns exhibited the reserve grand champion, also a Southdown. Lamb placings were as follows:
Mixed lambs: Danny Irby, Hampshire; Douglas McCoy, Dorsett; and Donald Bell, Dorsett:
Shropshire lambs: Fred Looper, Jim Fehrenbach, Joe Hise, Danny Irby, Danny Burns:
Light Southdown lambs: Sonny Burns, Douglas McCoy, Fred Looper, Danny Burns, Joe Hise:
Heavy Southdown lambs: Danny Irby, Max McCoy, Terry Burns, Douglas McCoy.
In the swine division, all breeds showed together with three different weight classes. Placing were as follows:
Light barrows: Max McCoy, Hampshire; Joe Tipton, Poland-China; Raymond ...