School Board Approves “Career Plan” Increases The Tonkawa board of education adopted a resolution using the “career plan” scale for teacher salary increases, for the new school year, this morning at the regular monthly board meeting at Tonkawa Grill. The board had the option of either granting across the board increases of $415 per teacher a year or setting up the “career plan” which pays more on the basis of education and teaching experience. The money for the salary increases is provided by the state.Action was deferred on signing a maintenance agreement with the Honeyweil Company for 67 heating and air conditioning controls in high school buildings. Total cost would be $804 per year. School superintendent T. J. Allen told the board that in the past the district has had a contract with the company for the controls in the school auditorium at a cost of $169 per year. The contract would include all controls in the new cafeteria-gym building, also. After some discussion, the board delayed action until a future meeting.Temporary Appropriation A resolution was passed calling for temporary appropriations of 25% of the estimate of needs for the fiscal year 1973-74. Allen explained this is done annually by most all districts in the state to have operating money until the budget is approved the end of October or first of November by the County Sxcise Board.Allen explained the service agreement with the Ardmore Data Processing Corporation of Ponca City regarding “alternate accounting” data processing. He said the service has been used by the district for the past eight years and calls for the writing of all warrants, withholding forms, W-2 forms and is done at a cost of $139 a month. He said all of the school districts in Grant and Noble counties and Tonkawa and Newkirk in Kay county use the service.A resolution fixing the interest rate at 5 percent on non-payable warrants was set for the 1973-74 school year. This is the same rate that has been charged for the past school year.Peace Rose Unit Installs New Officers At Meeting The Peace Rose Garden Club unit met for the final summer meeting in the home of Mrs. A. R. Smith with Mrs. George Barnhill and Mrs. Ray Hamilton, co-hostesses. The refreshment table was laid in silver and crystal with waxy magnolia blossoms forming the centerpiece.The devotional was given by Mrs. Smith. The president, Mrs. Barnhill, presided ...