McMillen Brings County Top Honor
A Tonkawa area farmer, Lorie J. McMillen, has brought Kay county its second trophy in three years for providing the nation’s top land judge.
McMillen won first place in the adult division of the third annual national land judging contest at Oklahoma City last week. It was the second successive year for a Kay county farmer to place first in the adult division.
Youth Recreation Committee Chosen
Groundwork for Tonkawa’s 1951 youth summer recreation program will be laid in the near future, following naming of the recreation committee members from various civic organizations this week.
Six organizations named two representatives each to the committee, which will meet to decide what programs to include this year, who will supervise the programs and how they will be financed.
The chamber of commerce, junior chamber, Lions, Kiwanis, Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion are represented on the committee.
Named on the committee by C-C President Louis McCarter were
Howard Legg and Jim Harwell, Jaycee President Fred Smith appointed Leroy Kirkpatrick and Harold Waugh to the committee.
Gold Star Parents Honored by Legion, Auxiliary
The American Legion an Auxiliary entertained at their first annual banquet for Gold Star parents at the Legion hall here Monday evening.
Following the banquet Mrs. A. D. Buck, Gold Star chairman, presented the evening’s program which included vocal numbers by the Tonkawa high school girls trio, Alva Ann Cruse, Janice Evans and Mary Louise King, accompanied by Shirley Evans.
Tom Harrisberger, NOJC student, sang two solos; Miss King presented a humurous reading, and Jack Ratterree, high school clarinetist, played a group of numbers.
Gold Star parents present were Mr. and Mrs. Will Gillespie, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Howell, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Logan, Mr. and Mrs. T.
E. Peek, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Chapman, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Blubaugh,
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harold, Mrs. Sarah Parsons, Mrs. H. W.
Threlkeld and Mrs. B. F. Gray.
Two Gold Star sisters attending were Mrs. Jim Noonan and Mrs.
Joe Kuratko.
Other special guests were Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Foster of Fairview.
Foster is eighth district Legion commander and Mrs. Foster is first vice president of the eighth district Auxiliary.
The social committee, which was in charge of arrangements for the affair, included Mrs. Lee Thompson, Mrs. Dewey Bittle and
Mrs. Roy Martin.
50 years ago, April 21, 1969
3 Bucs Hitting Over 300 To Lead Team Batters
Benny Humphries, THS senior and leftfielder on the Buc baseball team is the leading batter on the team with .333 ...