We begin a new year, a traditional time of making “resolutions” — some trivial, but some serious. On the serious side, let’s take a look at out spiritual journey. I would like to start with the growth of Jesus. Luke gives us more insight into the young childhood of Jesus than the other Gospel writers.Luke tells us about a time that was amazing to his parents. He begins simply by stating “the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was on him” (Luke 2:40). They had returned to Nazareth, where now the baby boy grew and Luke notes that not only did he grow, as a normal child, but he was wise and God’s grace was with him.Then Luke tells about a time when Jesus was 12 years old (Luke 2:41-50). As was their custom his family went to Jerusalem for the Passover. They were faithful and devout. Following the end of the feast, they along with their extended family and friends headed back to Nazareth. But the next day Mary and Joseph missed their son and went back to Jerusalem to find him.Now when they found him, he was sitting with the rabbis in the temple, where he was listening to them teach and he was asking questions. The reaction of these teachers was: they were “amazed at his understanding and his answers” (Lk. 2:47).Now his parents asked him why he had stayed behind. Jesus replied: “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” (Lk. 2:49). What an interesting response from a 12- yr-old! A 12-yr-old wondering why his parents were looking for him!This young lad was beginning to understand who he was and that he had a mission. He knew that he must orient his life to the Father’s will. This is the key for us and our lives. If you are to make a serious resolution, it would be to follow Jesus’ example. He had to be about his Father’s business.He says that he “must” be doing God’s work. That could also be translated “it is necessary” for me. He was realizing that he had a purpose to do—a mission from God. And Jesus did them. He was perfectly obedient to the Father.As followers of Christ, the example is clear, that we also have things that “are necessary for us to be doing for God.” Because ...