60 years ago, June 9,1960
Northern’s Share Of $30.5
Million Bond Is $600,000
Northern Junior college’s share of $30 5 million in construction money will amount to $600,000, provided State Question 393 carries, according to President V. R. Easterling.
Easterling said voters would be given the opportunity on July 5 to pass the question authorizing the legislature to issue bonds in the amount of $35,500.00 of which $5 million would be used to build a hospital and school for retarded children and the remainder would be spent on the physical plants of 18 tax-supported schools in the state.
The payment of the bonds, if approved by voters, would be made by an extension of the present cigarette tax of two cents per package. The tax was originally set up for that purpose and is due to expire.
Dr. Easterling said money received from the bond issue would probably be used at Northern to build a library, a girls physical education annex, and the repair and modernization of present buildings.
Judy Asbury Is Elected Representative at State
Miss Judy Asbury, Tonkawa, has been elected representative of Brundidge county at Oklahoma’s 18th annual Girls State being held this week on Oklahoma College for Women campus, under sponsorship of Oklahoma Department, American Legion Auxiliary.
Election of the above officials marks the rapid movement of Girl Staters from city and county government to the state level. Girls State is a week’s program in practical government.
Candidates for county and state officers were nominated at county conventions Sunday night and state conventions Tuesday morning, with the election being held Tuesday night.
Installation Is Conducted
Mrs. Dwight Kreger, retiring CWF president, conducted impressive installation ceremonies to highlight the June dinner meeting of the Fellowship guild of the First Christian church.
Hostesses for the session, which was held in the fellowship hall Tuesday evening, were Mrs. Harve Stewart, Mrs. Frank Michael and Mrs. Flora Riley.
Mrs. Lucy Muller gave the invocation and Mrs. Ward Zody presided. Arrangements of mixed flowers formed the decoration for the serving tables.
Installed for the ensuing term were Mrs. Zody, president; Mrs. Michael, vice-president; Mrs. Marguerite Evans, secretary; Mrs. Hallie Cheek, treasurer; Mrs. Chester Smith, study chairman; Mrs. Jim Morgan, sr., worship chairman; Mrs. Cleo McGaha, service chairman and Mrs. Laura Williams, membership chairman.
Mrs. Kreger installed the officers before a background featuring a picture of Christ, the globe and the Bible illuminated by candlelight, and presented each officer with an object symbolic of her task for the ...