Cityans’ Kin To Move To Japan On January 25th Being transferred to Japan at the end of this month are Dr. and Mrs. William E. Allison and sons, Terry Mark and Gregory Lane. Mrs. Allison is the former Doris Ann Mills, daughter of Maud Mills, 406 West Tonkawa. The family has been visiting here during the holidays with Mrs. Mills and George Mills and family, and left today to return to their home.Dr. Allison is employed by the Dow Chemical Company at Walnut Creek, Calif., as Group Leader, Entomology-Nematology Research. Dow is building a new research laboratory near Mt. Fuji in Japan where Dr. Allison will be in charge of establishing the agricultural-chemical branch of the research center.The Allisons expect to be in Japan for 2 to 4 years, and will leave California for the assignment on January 25.Dr. G. Burson Is Guest Speaker At Kiwanis Meet “The community college” was the topic discussed by Dr. Gerald Burson of NOC at the Wednesday noon meeting of the Kiwanis Club at Perkins Restaurant.“We want to convince area towns that NOC is a community college,” Dr. Burson said, adding that 35 percent of the students enrolled now are in two year programs.“We also would like for persons in the area to inform us of study programs they would like to have at the college,” he said.Speaking on the Allied Health profession, Dr. Burson said that Oklahoma is ten years behind in providing health professionals. “Northern takes 50 students in its health program,” he noted, “hoping to supply the needs in our area.” He added that NOC is hoping to hold a seminar this spring, in cooperation with the OU Medical Center, on Diet Nutrition and Physical Exercise for the elderly.”Bill Brining of Reno, Nevada, was a guest at the meeting.Baby Boy Alvarez is Tonkawa’s first ’99 birth The parents of the first baby born in the Tonkawa trade territory in 1999 will receive presents from participating firms in the First Baby of 1999 contest.According to the rules, the parents must live in the Tonkawa trade area, which includes rural communities surrounding Tonkawa. Decisions of the judges will be final.Parents of the first baby born after 12 a.m. on Jan. 1, 1999, must present a signed statement from the attending physician, giving exact time of birth, weight, sex and full names of parents. This must be done as soon as possible after the ...