Tonkawa Board of Education met Monday, January 13, 2025 when President Brian Bowling called the meeting to order at 5:33 p.m. Members present were Casey McAninch, Jerry Hook, Tyler Langston and Melanie Bellinghausen. Staff present were Lori Simpson, Jona Cantrell, Jennifer Murphy, Heather Shepherd, and ShaClair Garcia.Tyler Langston made a motion seconded by Brian Bowling to approve the minutes of the December 9, 2024 regular meeting. Motion carried. Bowling-yes, McAninch-yes, Hook-yes, Langston-yes, and Bellinghausen- yes.Brian Bowling made a motion seconded by Melanie Bellinghausen to approve General Fund purchase order encumbrance numbers 503 through 558 for a total of $140,136.25. Motion carried. Bowling-yes, McAninchyes, Hook-yes, Langston-yes, and Bellinghausen-yes.Casey McAninch made a motion seconded by Jerry Hook to approve Child Nutrition Fund purchase order encumbrance numbers 10 through 16 for a total of $163,798.60. Motion carried. Bowling-yes, McAninchyes, Hook-yes, Langston-yes, and Bellinghausen-yes.Melanie Bellinghausen made a motion seconded by Brian Bowling to approve Building Bond Fund 38 purchase order encumbrances 9 and 10 for a total of $14,712.47. Motion carried. Bowling-yes, McAninchyes, Hook-yes, Langston-yes, and Bellinghausen-yes.Casey McAninch made a motion seconded by Jerry Hook to approve submitting Renaissance Architecture, LLC. invoice 1124007 in the amount of $7,033.97 to BancFirst for payment using bond funds. Motion carried. Bowling-yes, McAninch-yes, Hook-yes, Langstonyes, and Bellinghausen-yes.Brian Bowling made a motion seconded by Tyler Langston to approve submitting Joe D. Hall Construction, LLC. application number 20 in the amount of $314,731.30 to BancFirst for payment using bond funds. Motion carried. Bowling-yes, McAninch-yes, Hook-yes, Langstonyes, and Bellinghausen-yes.Tyler Langston made a motion seconded by Casey McAninch to approve the activity fund activities and balances for the month. Motion carried. Bowling-yes, McAninch-yes, Hook-yes, Langston-yes, and Bellinghausen- yes.Jennifer Murphy presented the treasurer’s report to the board. No action was taken.Jerry Hook made a motion seconded by Tyler Langston to approve increasing daily per diem for staff travel from $30.00 per day to $60.00 per day and $45.00 on the first and last day of travel. Motion carried. Bowling-yes, McAninch-yes, Hook-yes, Langston-yes, and Bellinghausen-yes.Mrs. Simpson informed the board that Mike Kirtley resigned his position of teacher and track coach effective January 6, 2025.The board appointed Melanie Bellinghausen as minutes’ secretary in executive session. Casey McAninch made a motion seconded by Tyler Langston to go into executive session in the Central Office Board Room. Motion carried. Bowling-yes, McAninch-yes, Hook-yes, Langstonyes, and Bellinghausen-yes. The board entered into executive session at 6:17 p.m. to conduct the ...