Tonkawa Elementary School is holding their school picture retakes on Friday, January 24. A flyer should be already out to the families of the elementary students that will help with the request of a photo retake.This opportunity is for anyone who was not satisfied with their photos, new students, and anyone that missed the original picture day in November. Guardians are asked to send back both the original package and the flyer to the schools when requesting a retake.For those who are interested in the retake and have already paid, you will not be asked to pay again for this service. To order the photos, go to and use picture day id EVT9CBCXR. If you are ordering photos, you can receive 30% off your purchase by using the code 30JANUARY to save on these.Make sure to return the flyer and original photo packet, so that your child can participate in the photo retakes on January 24.