A large number of Northern Oklahoma College students participated in a Stamp Out Starvation project this past Sunday at the First United Methodist Church in Tonkawa.According to NOC instructor Dr. Kurt Campbell, over 80 NOC Students packaged 36,432 meals in a two-hour period. The meals are being sent to Ukraine and Mexico.NOC students representing men’s wrestling, women’s wrestling, men’s basketball, women’s basketball, sheep center, livestock judging, digital media institute, roustabouts, and president’s leadership council participated in the event.Stamp Out Starvation started in 2007 by founder Monte Stewart from Cherokee.It is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide nutritious meals to people all around the world even in Oklahoma.“We are able to accomplish this by organizing community and youth volunteer packaging events of Stamp Out Starvation’s highly nutritious meals,” Stewart states on his website stampoutstarvation. com .Each Stamp Out Starvation food package contains six servings and each bag is prepared in less than 20 minutes by adding the food package to boiling water.Each Stamp Out Starvation food package is based off of a rice and soy casserole that is fortified with 21 essential vitamins and minerals, six dehydrated vegetables, and chicken flavoring. This soy (52% protein) and nutrient-rich formula reverses the starvation process.Stewart organizes an assembly line of volunteers who add the meal ingredients to plastic bags that are then sealed and boxed for shipment anyplace in the world.Contact Stamp Out Starvation at stampoutstarvation@ sctelcom.net for additional information.