What is a Buccaneer? Last year’s coaches at Tonkawa schools were asked to fill out and return a questionnaire entitled, “What is a Buccaneer?” I’m sure it was met with various levels of enthusiasm and returned differing answers. No doubt I would have been grumbling about just one more thing to do. Actually, it might make for a good article.All of us that have been involved with Tonkawa Schools will have our own perspective of “a Buccaneer.” How long do you have to be involved with Tonkawa to be a Buccaneer? Do you have to be a graduate of THS? One of my favorite Buccaneers was Coach Jim Minor, not a THS grad, but for many of us a beloved member of our Buccaneer family.What activities do you have to be in? Just sports? What makes a Great Buccaneer? Not necessarily an easy answer to come up with. How about all our grads who are veterans and the men and women serving now? Consider all graduates that went on to teach and coach, many at THS. How about beloved teachers who graduated elsewhere? Can they be Bucs? We have men and women in the Ministry, medical field, the arts, involved in community service, and so on and so on.With all of that lead up I would like submit this week’s pic for Great Buccaneers, the late Francis Langdon, Editor of the Tonkawa News from 1951 - April of 1993, and the late Lyle Becker, Editor of the Tonkawa News from April 1993 till 2024.For those of us who were blessed to have known both of these men you know that although consummate professionals, whether in their articles or in person you could not help but notice their love for this Community......... and yes, love for Tonkawa Schools.And for you football fans if you ever get to read an article from Mr. Langdon from the late 1970’s, “Our Way of Playing Football,” and if you remember Mr. Beckers excitement and pride when talking Buc Football I’m sure you will agree that although not graduates of THS, they were both cherished members of our Buccaneer family.Part one in a series running through Homecoming week.