The Tonkawa High school football team began two-a-day practice last Tuesday and were scheduled to put on the pads today as they prepare for their season opener here against Shidler High school on Friday, September 6.Coach Jim Minor said he has 22 out for the team with a few more expected. Minor is Buc head coach and assisted by Dale Simpson and Wes Donathan, backfield coaches and Kenneth Vogt, who will assist Minor with the linemen. The Bucs have 20 returning lettermen on the squad which was the district last year but only four were starters in 1973. They are Curtis Muegge, end, Rusty Storm, guard, John Unruh, halfback and Riley Shaull, tackle.Minor listed the following out for the team: Seniors – Emmett Coleman, 175 tackle-guard; Riley Shaull, 170, tackle; Rusty Storm, 160, guard; Duane Green, 140, quarterback; John Unruh, 140, halfback; Kevin Steichen, 140, quarterback; Tony Patterson, 140, end; Curtis Muegge, 155, end; Ron Magner, 145, end-quarterback and Frank Klufa, 215, tackle.Juniors – Dennis Ailey, 165, fullback; Roger Conaghan, 155, tackle; Don Hoover, 114, halfback, Tom Allen, 180, centertackle, Danny Wood, 145 guard; Terry Allen, 165, guard; Jack Lauer, 120, halfback; Gordon Sanders. 165. Halfback, Warren Deal, 135, halfback; Brent Bradford, 170, tackle; Mike Ross, 150, halfback; Larry Case, 145, halfback; Jay Laramy, 155, guard.Eleven Sophomores Out Sophomores – Shon Simpson, 135, quarterback; Ben Gessel, 140, tackle-guard; David Shearer, 215, tackle; Jerry Ailey, 160, halfback; Rick Jeans, 160, center; Donald Gonzales, 140, guard; Brad Smith, 135, halfback; Mark Detten, 145, end; Charles Wright, 145, halfback; Yancey Denney, 145, end; and Kenny Taylor, 160, guard.Five Tonkawans Complete 25 Mile Swim ProgramFive Tonkawans have qualified this summer for the Presidential Sports Award for swimming a total of 25 miles in the municipal swimming pool. Those who completed the program are Beth Humphries, Paula Humphries, Janet Langdon, Vicki Canaday and Leo Canaday.Under direction of Canaday, Summer Recreation director, the five swimmers completed the 25 miles at a three-quarters of a mile a day clip. There was no time limit involved but not more than three-quarters of a mile a day could be completed.All five will receive special patches for their swim suits and a certificate from the President for completing the program and displaying their physical fitness.Case Resigns School Board At Busy Session The Tonkawa board of education accepted the resignation of board member Ruel Case, approved an income scale for free ...