On the second weekend in May an assortment of sisters, brothers and cousins, all with the name of Caughlin, will graduate from Oklahoma State University. They follow in the footsteps of numerous family members who call themselves Cowboys.Randall Caughlin, son of Tim and Sandra Caughlin will receive a degree in Ag Business which promises to boost the family ranch operation as he returns. He will also continue employment in the Tonkawa School System as the Computer Specialist. Both of his brothers, Daniel and Michael, preceded him as OSU graduates as did their grandparents Donald and Helen Caughlin.Audrey and Nicole Caughlin, twin daughters of Joe and Robyn Caughlin, will pursue different professions as they complete four. years at OSU. After student teaching this semester, Audrey hopes to secure a position as an elementary musIc teacher. Nicole’s degree 1n Human Development and Family Science leaves varied options toward a job and career. Incidentally, their Dad Joe spent his OSU years in Farmhouse, their sisterin- law All graduated in 2020 and their Grandfather Jack Caughlin earned an OSU Agronomy degree in 1960.Hudson and Logan Caughlin are brothers and sons of Mary Caughlin. Hudson’s major is in Mechanical Engineering Technology. He is a year-round cowpoke since he helps on the farm anytime he is not tied to study. classes or work in the Student Union. Logan has been at OSU the longest, six years. He leaves with a Masters Degree in Mathematics. Having been a TA for three years, Logan may look beyond teaching for a future endeavor.Then, of course, there are the Caughlins who rode the range at OSU, but wandered off to other pastures. All remain loyal.These Caughlin connections trace back to the Run of 1893 when Jack and Florence Caughlin made the family proud to claim Tonkawa as their hometown.