Pioneer Area Quilters Guild will meet on Monday, April 3 at St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 1904 N. Pecan in Ponca City. The meeting schedule is as follows: 10:00 am social hour, 11:00 am to 12:00 pm business meeting including show and share, 12:00 pm program. The hospitality committee will provide water and tea. Attendees should bring their own covered drink cup and may bring their own food.The program for the April meeting will focus on a series of quilt related demonstration stations. Specialty fabric cutting and quilting tools will be explained by guild members. Each station will present three 20 minute sessions. There will be intervals between sessions to allow easy movement from one station to the next. Topics for the program are AccuCutter by Ruth Armstrong and Chris Nance, Stripology Ruler by Sheridan Bengston, and Ruler Quilting by Beth Peters.If you have questions or need further information, please contact president Kim Walling at 918-214-4060 or Guests are always welcome to attend, however, we do ask they join the group after two visits.