Monte Smith Named President Of Houston Firm Monte G. Smith, former senior vice president of Bonner & Moore Associates Inc., Houston, Tex. has been named president of a newly formed subsidiary, Bonner & Moore Software Systems, it has been announced.Smith is the son of Mrs. C. A. Smith, 209 North Barnes. He is a graduate of Tonkawa High school and Northern Oklahoma college.The new firm which Smith will head will be based at Houston and was formed for the development and market of “packaged” computer software system.The parent company Smith was associated with is a management consulting firm.1973 Tonkawa High School Basketball Royalty Following coronation ceremonies Friday night in the high school gymnasium, Miss Vicky Shaull was crowned queen by Danny Fuhr, king. Escorts and attendants were Terry Ingmire and Lisa Canaday, Joyce Jared and Doug Sloan. Missy Hunter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jebb Hunter was flower girl and Jay Foster, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Foster, was crownbearer.Rainbow Installation Was SundayMiss Gayla Williams was installed as Worthy Advisor of Tonkawa Rainbow Assembly No. 45 on Sunday, Jan. 28, 1973. Installing officer was her sister, Mrs. Rebecca Burris. Miss Susan McKee was installing marshal; Miss Ruth Sheets, installing chaplain; Miss Jeanne Steichen, installing musician; and Miss Sylvia Gorman, installing recorder.Mrs. Lee Gorman, Mother Advisor, resided during the presentation of wards. Girls receiving special recognition included Misses Judy Langdon and Kathy Melichar who were designated as Grand Cross of Color recipients. Receiving White Rainbow Bibles were Misses Mary Jane McKee, Sherrie McMillen and Cindy Tharp. Others honored were Misses Gayla Williams, Past Charity and Past Hope pins; Ann Fitzgerald, 2nd year perfect attendance pin and Past Immortality, Religion pins; Mary Coyle, wreath; Dawn Fuller, Service Bar; Darla McMillen, Patriotism and Service Bars; Jamilu Morgan, Merit Badge and Love bar; Bunny Wilson, Merit Badge, Love, Religion and Nature bars.The guests included Miss Williams’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Williams; her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Williams; and her aunt, Mrs. Opal Stewart, all of Tonkawa; her sisters and families, Mr. and Mrs. Phil (Anita) Gable and son, Carl, of Enid; and Mr. and Mrs. Gene (Re-becca) Burris of Stillwater.Tonkawa Social Club Meets In Deem Home The Tonkawa Social Club met recently in the home of Mrs. Dwight Deem, 304 North Public. The president, Mrs. Don Behar, called the meeting to order and devotions, “Why The Righteous Suffer,” taken from ...