National Honor Received By Mary Kay AuddMary Kay Audd, a 1972 graduate of Tonkawa high school; was recently notified that she is to be featured in the Sixth Annual Edition of Who’s Who Among American High School Students, 197172, the largest student award publication in the nation.Students from over 18,000 public, private, and parochial schools throughout the country are recognized for their leadership in academics, athletics, activities or community service in the book. Less than 1.5 percent of the junior and senior class students nationwide are awarded this recognition.Mary Kay is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. Robert Y. Audd, 1308 North Fifth. At Tonkawa high school she was on the honor roll each semester and was a member of the State Honor Society. She served on the yearbook staff during her senior year and as secretary of the FHA. She received the Betty Crocker Future Homemaker award for 1972 and also the social studies award for the past two school years. She was active in vocal music, being a member of the mixed chorus and girls glee club.Ed Coyle Is Elected Tonkawa PTA PresidentEd Coyle was elected president of the Tonkawa Elementary Parent-Teacher Association when the first meeting of the new association was held Monday night in the high school cafeteria. The Tonkawa PTA is a combination of the Lincoln school PTA and the Washington school PTO and was organized after the change in the elementary schools whereby all first, second and third graders in the city attend Washington, and all fourth, fifth and sixth graders attend Lincoln.Other officers elected were Mrs. Dale Johnson, vice-president; Mrs. Cletus Blubaugh, secretary; and Dick Pearman, treasurer.The election followed the report of the nominating committee chairman, Mrs. Bob Steichen. Members of the committee representing the Lincoln PTA, the Washington PTO, and the kindergarten, were Mrs. Mary Black, Mrs. Brenda Purdy, Mrs. Maxine Wall, Miss Marsha Shaw, Mrs. Ramona Herren, Mrs. Fern Weber, and Mrs. Steichen.Mrs. John McMurtrie, past president of the Lincoln PTA, presided at the meeting and installed the officers. The devotions were given by Mrs. Karen Ailey.School Dress Code Upheld By BoardThe Tonkawa board of education accepted the recommendation of superintendent T. J. Allen to uphold the present school dress code after parents of High school junior appeared and asked the board to rule on a “sizzler outfit” that had been termed “see-through” by principal Jim Mihura. The action was taken ...