60 years ago, April 24, 1961
Retail Committee Attacks Downtown Parking Problems
The downtown parking problem has been attacked with renewed fervor by the retail promotion committee of the chamber of commerce.
Jack Harris, chairman of the committee, invited members of the city council to meet with his group Thursday evening in an attempt to arrive at a satisfactory solution.
A two-hour parking limit for certain downtown areas will be the probable result of the meeting attended by Mayor Ivan Foster, Gene Salisbury and Foster Olson, councilmen, and O. E. McKenize, city attorney.
Speaking for the city government, Foster told committee members that they could expect the council to cooperate in any practical way in making more customer parking space available.
Harris said some progress had been made on a voluntary basis with merchants and employees using more off-street parking areas. But, recalling past experiences, he cited the need for enforcement of a definite parking time limit if the committee is to be maintained and improved.
Club Family Dinner Held In Arthur Lorg Home
The annual family dinner of the Valley Center Social club was held Friday night at the Arthur Lorg home. The “April shower” theme was suggested in the umbrellas and spring flowers that marked the serving table and quartet tables at which the guests wee seated.
Mrs. K. C. Smith gave the evening’s invocation. The informal entertainment of the evening included games and contests and a song and dance number by Mary Lorg.
Attending were Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Lin Trueblood, Mr. and Mrs. Olin Stone, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Veal and family, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Caughlin, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kaufman and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hise and son and the Lorg family.
Sunshine Club Tuesday Has Luncheon Meeting
Mrs. Albert Bower gave the devotions when the Sunshine Home Demonstration club met Tuesday for a luncheon-meeting in Tonkawa Grill. Mrs. Bower based her meditation on scripture from Psalms and a poem, “Be Still.”
Mrs. Myrtle White reviewed a recent article on safety by the State Safety commission.
Mrs. Elmer O’Mealey won the nickel drill prize, and the next meeting was announced for May 2 at 2 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Levi Evans.
Those attending were Mrs. Rose Schug, Mrs. Eunice Spencer and Miss Marilyn Jones, guests, and Mrs. Corda Bratcher, Mrs. Bower, Mrs. Lonnie Bray, Jr., Mrs. F. L. Carpenter, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Therman Frazier, Mrs. Atwood Jones, Mrs. Dwight Kreger, Mrs.