Oklahoma American Legion Auxiliary is hosting a Virtual Girls State for 2021. Tonkawa delegates are Jaci Johnson, daughter of Jason and Cara Beth Johnson; Savannah Linton, daughter of Jimmy and Michelle Linton; Emma Owen, daughter of Jeremy and Annie Owen. The girls will be online starting May 31 to June 4, 2021.
Girls State is a program that teaches young women responsible citizenship and love for God and country. This program was started in 1937, teaching how state and local government works.
High School girls who have completed their junior year are eligible for this program. The Tonkawa American Legion Auxiliary Unit sponsors the local girls with the Tonkawa American Legion Post sponsoring the delegates financially. Evelyn Coyle is the Tonkawa Girls State chairman.
2021 businesses and individuals who have contributed to the Boys/Girls State are: Lonnie Bray, Joseph Brining, Brining Insurance, Charles Conaghan, Davis Sanitation, First National Bank of Oklahoma, Dean Gatz, John Lucas, Mary’s Grill, Garry O’Mealey. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Owen Auto Supply, Larry Smith, Robert Steichen, Tonkawa Lions Club, Tonkawa Masonic Lodge, Tonkawa Tribe and Tonkawa Venture Foods. These contributions are very appreciated.