Rehiring of the 2021-2022 certified staff and support staff headlined Monday night’s meeting of the Tonkawa Board of Education.
Members Casey McAninch, Cara Beth Johnson, Jerry Hook, Brian Bowling and Nancy Appleman rehired the following:
Tonkawa Elementary -- Jeri Anderson, Kaitlyn Anderson, Bethany Farmer, Beverly Frost, ShaClair Garcia, Kristy Gilbert, Stephanie Hampton, Brady Holland, Sonja Honegger, Philip Jernigan, Christine Jernigan, Heather Johns, Nichole Jones, Mike Kirtley, Jena Looper, Kim Means, Holly Peart, Nancy Pendleton, Fawn Pierce, Cinthia Rodriguez, Heather Schreen and heather Shepherd.
Tonkawa mid-high and high school -- Misty Bess, Brian Campos, Tawnya Crowder, Ali Dice, Kale Dice, Donna Doyle, stony Fath, Dale Goodwin, Monica Grein, Wesley Guthrie, Jacquelyn Heinrich, Laura Dawn Huff, Tonya Jackson, Staci Jacques, Micah Keith, Kelle Klufa, Gage Martin, Jamie Means, Marcy Mulligan, Kirk Nesbit, chris reeder, angela Reyes, Kari Scott, Connie shreck, kelsey Smith, Deborah Staton, Frances Wecker and Aubree Wilkerson.
Temporary teachers -- Logan Burgess, Kirstie coffman and Amber Danielk at the elementary, Cassie Jordan and Isabella Reyes at the mid-high/high school; and Robin Hobson and Reagann Murphy probationary at the elementary.
Support staff -- Darrell Barns, Jona Cantrell, Deborah Childers, Kurt Crowder, Betty Davis, Andra Egula, Mary Esch, david Fruits, Cindy Gray, Judy McCann, Beverly Medina, Jennifer Murphy, Melanie Patterson, tammy Pedigo, Melissa Qualls, steve Randall, Cheyenne Reyes, Ariana Rodriguez, Maria Rodriguez, Amanda Sherrod and Kristy Street.
Temporary support staff -- Ramona Esch, Katie Hale and Ashley Llanes at the elemtnary; Daniel Long and Gena Osborn at the mid-high and high school.
In other action, the board:
-- Approved April encumbrances of $164,147.36 from the e general fund and $13,826.38 from the building fund for a total of $177,973.74.
-- Approved sanctioning the Track Booster Club.
-- Approved a contract for alcohol and drug testing for the coming year.
-- Approved membership with the Oklahoma State School Board association at a cost of $1,250 annually.
-- Approved the employment service agreement with the OSSBA.
-- Approved the policy subscription renewal with the OSSBA at a cost of $750 annually.
-- Approved memorandum of understandings between the ponca Tribe Head Start and the Otoe-Missouri tribe Head Start and Tonkawa schools.
-- Approved a contract between the school and speech pathologists Shelley Hilyard, Jennifer Pfeiffer-Durham and Brenda Davis.
-- Approved the contract between the school and Gabbard Communications to provide website management and E-notes.
-- Approved the hiring of Amber Daniel to teach pre-kindergarten, Kristie Coffman to teach third grade, Logan Burgess to teach fifth grade, Cassie Jordan to teach science ...