Cara Beth Johnson has been re-elected president of the Tonkawa Board of Education.
Vice president will be Casey McAninch and clerk will be Nancy Appleman.
All the officers were re-elected at the August meeting of the board.
Safety protocols for the school year were adopted as provided by the Oklahoma State School Boards Association. They can be found on page 8 of today’s issue.
School Superintendent Lori Simpson said the OSSBA provides for four levels of student safety based on the county’s level of infection in COVID-19. Level Green is the least restrictive, followed by Yellow, Orange and Red.
Kay County, thus Tonkawa Public Schools, is considered Zone Yellow.
Simpson said 44 elementary and 23 midhi/high school students have signed up to learn virtually this year. She said there are 9 midhi and high school students who are enrolled in Epic Charter and some others in all grades who are home-schooling.
She said she expects enrollment to be down about 50, mostly at the elementary school.
In other action, the board:
-- Approved purchase orders totalling $5,061,938.20 with $60,034.74 from the general fund; $4,422,003.27 from payroll, $529,512 from bond 31 and $50,388.09 from bond 34. -- Approved core academic mathematics and science courses offered at Pioneer Tech Center to
-- Approved core academic mathematics and science courses offered at Pioneer Tech Center to include Algebra II, Geometry, Algebra of Finance, Pre-Calculus, Core Math, Biology II, Anatomy and Physiology.
-- Voted to renew the Qualified Zone Academy Bond Lease for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2021.
-- Approved cash fund estimate of needs of $540,000 for building bond fund 31. -- Approved the name of ac
-- Approved the name of activity account FCCLA to “The Crew.”
-- Approved an alternative Education Cooperative Program between Tonkawa and Blackwell schools.
-- Approved a contract between the district and OKTLE for teacher evaluation system
-- Approved the Virtual Learning Contract as amended. -- Approved the safety proto
-- Approved the safety protocols. -- Voted to accept the resig
-- Voted to accept the resignation of Ashley Neal, pre-kindergarten teacher.
-- Approved the Tonkawa Public Schools Parent-student Chromebook/Laptop Handbook.
-- Approved the district’s learning plan/online instruction policy.
-- Approved fundraisers for the new school year.
-- Approved the revised school calendar for the new year. It can be found on page two of today’s issue.