60 years ago, February 29, 1960
Celebrating eight years
GAIL ANN HUMPHRIES is eight years of age today when she celebrates her second birthday. Born February 29, 1952, Gail Ann is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vernray Humphries, 306 S. Second, Tonkawa and is a second grader at Washington Elementary school. Gail’s second anniversary will be celebrated quietly this year, however, as she is just recovering from a bout with measles. But just so she doesn’t get left out entirely, on years other than leap year. Gail celebrates on February 28.
Tonkawa Teachers Participate In Conference
Five Tonkawa teachers, Mrs. Ramona Herren, Mrs. Fern Weber, Miss Marjilea Smithheisler, Mrs. Donna Garner and Mrs. Marguerite Curl, were in Stillwater Wednesday to participate in an Instruction Conference sponsored by the Oklahoma Education Association. Theme of the conference was “New Strategies in the Classroom.”
“Twelve Cities” Reviewed At Delphi Meet
John Gunther’s “Twelve Cities” was reviewed by Mrs. Clarence Helton for members of the Delphi Study Club when they met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ron Appleman.
Mrs. Hilton, who was introduced by Mrs. Arthur Sweet, noted that her book was patterned after Gunther’s “Inside” series and featured twelve major cities of the world -- London, Paris, Belguim, Hamburg, Vienna, Rome, Warsaw, Moscow, Jerusalem, Labanon, Amman and Tokyo. She elaborted on London, Rome, Warsaw, Jerusalem and Tokyo, describing the mood, tempo, problems and distinctions of each.
Mrs. Brian Conaghan, vice-president, presided during the afternoon which opened with the Federated club collect. Reports were given by Mrs. Eldon Moelling, secretary, Mrs. Charles McElmurray, social chairman and Mrs. Helton membership chairman.
Announcement was made of the March 31 Federated Club Spring Workshop to be held on the NOC campus under the direction of Mrs. E. E. Vineyard.
A seasoned dessert course was served at the conclusion of the afternoon to Mrs. Vineyard, Mrs. Sweet, Mrs. Harve Stewart, Mrs. G. W. Scoles, Mrs. Fred Roush, Mrs. Kenton Nesbit, Mrs. Moelling, Mrs. O. E. McKenzie, Mrs. McElmurray, Mrs. Max Klein, Mrs. Helton, Mrs. R. E. Harness, Mrs. Ray Hamilton, Mrs. R. W. Gearheard, Mrs. Wilson Dupy, Mrs. Conaghan, Mrs. G. E. Burson, Mrs. R. B. Brining and Mrs. R. S. Asbury.
City Seaman Takes Part in Exercise
Kenneth R. McIlvain, seaman, USN, of 114 S. Plum, serving aboard the destroyer USS Bausell, took part in a large-scale antisubmarine exercise off the coast of Southern California, Feb. 11- 15.
Purpose of the operation, under control of the Commander,